Q. What is Realtime Transcription?
A. It is a service we offer which allows an attorney or witness to view spoken testimony on a notebook computer instantaneously as it is recorded by the court reporter.
Q. How does Realtime Transcription work?
A. The court reporter writes the testimony on a steno writing machine which is connected to a computer that automatically displays the English text on the computer screen. Attorneys can view the testimony as it occurs and/or review previously received testimony.
Q. What are some of the features of Realtime?
A. With a single key stroke you can:
- Highlight relevant testimony for later reference.
- Scroll back, Search, and “Go To” pertinent text.
- Make notes concerning testimony.
- Jump to specific page references.
- Save all notes on CD.
Q. Why do I need Realtime?
A. The future is now. Realtime gives substance to the phrase “Effective Immediately”. This is an excellent tool for challenging questionable testimony, tracking multiple issues, and eliminating problem areas in examination.
Q. When would I want to use Realtime?
A. Realtime is useful in cases involving multiple depositions and cases where issues may become clouded by conflicting testimony. Realtime use in trial is an invaluable tool for impeachment of witnesses.
Q. Do I have to be a computer whiz to use this?
A. Absolutely not. This program is simple to use. No computer expertise or advanced typing skill is necessary. Our court reporters set up everything. All you do is sit down and become effective immediately.
Q. Do I have to have my own notebook computer to utilize Realtime?
A. No. If you do not have your own notebook computer, we will provide one for your use.
Q. How can I find out if Realtime will fit my practice?
A. Call Johns, Pendleton, Fairbanks & Freese for a free demonstration at your next deposition.